The best practices by our operations management have earned the distinguished approval and commendation by the Higher Corporation on Economic Zones, (Zones Corp) Facilities Management Division and Regulatory Affairs & Compliance Unit. The quality operations administration manual plays the foremost responsibility and guides to accomplish service perfection.
Quality Assurance is backed up by routine performance audit procedures that are strictly implemented. This includes personnel performance audit system, departmental audit, internal services audit and third party service performance audit. All analyses and evaluations are carefully given appropriate and immediate action. Predictive analyses are taken careful considerations and drafting of solution plans are secured to adress the predictions properly. In this system, the quality of services are modified and the negative impacts are controlled.
Avenue Adress management continues to seek opportunities for improvement by means of testing each new strategies in its day to day operations. Empowerment of our people and developing leadership in them is the focal partner of our growth.
All areas of labor accommodation facility management strategies (conformity and inspection scheme) are handled by our team namely:

Personnel Administration
Compliance & Audit Management (ISO 14001:2004, ISO 2000 Applications)
Contracts & Procurement Management
Help Desk & Customer Care Management
Housekeeping & Laundry Management
Catering Services Management
Waste Management
Pest Control Management
Fire Safety & Protection Management
General Maintenance Management
Health & Safety Environment (OHAS 18001:2007 Application)
Security Management
Quality Control & Assurance

Operational Manual
Review Report